“Hang out with your mail poolside”

No poop by Claudecf
TechCrunch suggests that 3D Mailbox may be the “Worst. App. Ever.” The promo video is certainly one of the most atrocious and sexist pieces of marketing crap I’ve seen in a while (and given the level of marketing, this is saying something). While the idea of feeding my spam to sharks is mildly amusing, hearing them promise that

Your e-mail pulses with fun and excitement like never before.

was enough to induce serious hurlage.

Good gracious – aren’t there enough real problems that need attention?

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2 thoughts on ““Hang out with your mail poolside””

  1. I just watched that trailer… twice. I am both intrigued and confused. So, this program makes emails into swimming girls and fat guys? Was that Stan Lee doing the voice over? How can this product possibly help communication? Can I get fired if I have it on my computer at work?

    I think that sort of broke my brain.

  2. I couldn’t bring myself to watch it twice, although I confess I watched parts of it a second time just to convince myself that they’d really said what I thought they’d said.

    I totally couldn’t understand the weird flabby dudes. The women are all these eerily pneumatic bikini clad Barbie Doll in Sims (wonder who they’re marketing to!). Some of the guys are buff Ken Dolls, but then there are these bizarro not quite sumo gut guys that look like a creepy character from Gaiman’s Sandman universe. Who the hell are they supposed to appeal to? Are they there to make the pasty white buy customer base feel better about their Mountain Dew and Butterfinger bellies?

    > Can I get fired if I have it on my computer at work?

    Amazing, really. The first e-mail program I’ve ever seen that might not be work safe.


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