Harry S Truman vs Harry S. Truman

To dot or not to dot that is the question.

A reader pointed out to me that I had used a full stop in Truman’s name in attributing a quote to him and that it wasn’t an abbreviation but the letter itself and thus did not need the dot.

Using the fabulous google I did a little research and found this reference on snopes.com

Yes it is just the letter S but Truman did use a full stop. From this I’m assuming either is fine and I’ll leave my attribution as it is.

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2 Responses to Harry S Truman vs Harry S. Truman

  1. Phi says:

    OK, I confess that I was the annoying, nitpicky “reader” in question, and I admit crushing defeat in the face of WeatherGirl’s superior research!

    Gotta love Google, though…

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