Newark Airport: How do you annoy me?

Oh, let me count the ways:
– No free WiFi. In 2015. Soon they’ll be handing out candles.
– It reminds me of changing planes in O’Hare in the 70’s (& that’s not a Good Thing).
– The only map I could find was on a big display panel which spent 3 or 4 times as long displaying ads as showing me the map. I’d swear that it actually sensed my attention and flipped over to ads on purpose.
– No free WiFi. Seriously.
– Lots of fake variety in the food choices, with banks of “different” restaurants all fronting a single big kitchen churning out the same fries.
– Clearly not enough bathrooms. Saw way too many lines coming out of the ladies.
– God awful lines at the security checkpoints. Luckily I was on the “right” side, but the queues did not look fun.

And the views of the area are, well, pretty industrial. To be fair most airports aren’t in the most scenic of neighborhoods. Still, Newark Airport seems to live in a particularly stark pit of the universe. If I landed here at the start of a visit to the US, I’d certainly wonder if I should turn around and head home rather than venture out into that wasteland.

I’ll go see where we get our candles in case it gets dark before we leave.

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Thomas’s first paid theatre gig sounds super cool

Tomorrow Thomas starts his first paid job in theatre. It isn’t exactly playing Hamlet on Broadway, but it’s a real job with a cool theatre company that pays small amounts of real money, so we’re pretty excited. He’s doing an internship with the Chester Theatre Company, where he’ll be assistant stage manager (aka Chief Flunky) for their production of An Iliad. The show sounds super cool (as does the season), and I’m much of the sadz that I won’t be able to see it. You New England types should definitely go see it and report back!

The following text exchange between Sue and I was kicked off by my dropping Thomas off at the MSP airport for his flight back to Massachusetts:

Me: Tom’s heading off through security looking all grown up and scruffy! Love you!

Sue: Sniffle

Sue: Hug

Me: Ditto!

How exactly did we get to be parents of an increasingly adult-like creature?

(Don’t answer that. Really. Don’t.)

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