Greetings from Seattle!

Greetings from Seattle!
I’m happily ensconced here in Seattle for GECCO 2006 (one of the major conferences in evolutionary computation, my primary research area), and managing to sneak in a few pictures now and then. The photograph above isn’t a great one, but it shows the mighty mountain in the distance, which isn’t something one sees all that often. The shot below is of the Seattle Public Library (the white glass building in the foreground), which is one cool building.

And I’m missing WeatherGirl and Sub-Evil Boy’s World Cup party tomorrow, all in the name of science :-).

Lots o' geometry

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One thought on “Greetings from Seattle!”

  1. Seattle is one of my favorite cities. Enjoy, for science and also great justice!

    And although it’s too late and France lost: Allez les bleus!

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