Over the years I’ve been blessed (?) with students feeling a bizarre urge to draw pictures of me and (perhaps more importantly) share them. This is one of the earliest of these gems, produced by Joe Sandin in my intro computing course about 10 8 years ago. Dan Flies (who had also been in that class) recently poked Joe for an electronic copy, and shared, so you all get to bask in this multi-reflected glory. Or something like that.
This reflects those heady days when I still wore suspenders (also documented here). I much prefer them to belts, but unfortunately had to abandon them when I blew a disk in my back in 1999. I suspect that I could start wearing them again if I stopped carrying 6 to 8 pounds of loose change, pens, and other crap in my pockets, but that’s not likely to happen…
And while I do own (and wear) two Code Warrior shirts (a fine and mighty compiler back in the day), I’m fairly certain that I never lectured in a cape in that class, and I usually wore socks…
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Awesome posting! I forwarded the site to Joe.
It was a fun class and I can’t believe it was 8 years ago (close to 10, but I’m not ready for that). To this day I can a half-dozen stories from that one 10 week quarter!
Some day the original will sell for millions! Right click today and “Save As” your own copy!!
Wow! I remember having to write a program to find palendromes for your Intro class and it was 10 years ago I was at it. I do seem to remember the cape too… :)
Suspenders (or braces) are totally the way to go. The reason I don’t wear them is I tend to tighten them up when I sit down, so the next time I stand my pants are two inches too high.
Howdy Joe – glad to have you stop by! Thanks a ton for the cool drawing. I’m counting on it being worth millions, or at least using it for cover art when I finally write a textbook. (Luckily for all of us, this is unlikely to ever happen… :->)
Cory: I remember that tightening up problem as well. They’d be all nicely adjusted for standing, but when you sat you ended up with a lot of slack. So you’d tighten them up, stand up, and get a fine braces wedgie. Sigh.
Great minds (?) think alike. The Donkey too prefers suspenders/braces. Belts just dont hold on in the right places. Oh yea, the picture is a virtually photographic likeness……….