Man, that’s gonna stink (and probably while I’m there)

'Naples trash emergency' by roger taylor 85 - G2 Studio's photos

This is what Naples has become through a combination of mismanagement and a complete lack of any sort of recycling system. (Apparently GreenPeace came in and set up a demonstration recycling system in one neighborhood had showed that over 70% of the trash there could be recycled if people would just get it together.)

And I’m going there in a month for EuroGP.

Here’s hoping that the situation gets resolved and/or the weather doesn’t get too warm…

Thanks to Roger Taylor for the very cool poster shot of the situation on the ground. It was interesting that when I search for “real news articles” on I got some useful stories, but very few decent images. A search for Creative Commons licensed images on Flickr, however, turned up a bunch of excellent images (including this one).

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