Yesterday was a serious bear, with wind chills in the low -40sF. And of course they had a late start yesterday, when I had a 9am doctor’s appt and so couldn’t sleep in :(. Ain’t that the way? Today’s still quite cold (current -8F with a wind chill of -22F), but a lot better than yesterday, and it looks like it’s going to stay around that for the next few days. Doesn’t look like our highs will be above 0 until Monday, but they’re talking a high in the (positive) 20’s on Tuesday – break out the shorts!
The Doc says I’m all fine but that I should get a little more exercise and lose a little weight to bring up my good cholesteral. Gee, that’s a shock, given my wildly active, deskbound lifestyle :). Hmph. Glad everything else was cool, though.
Ellery and I are hoping to finish the first full draft of our GECCO paper today. It’s really coming together and I think will be a really nice little paper when it’s done. Nothing earth shattering, but a useful contribution with some nifty graphs :).
I got a real shock yesterday when I remembered that in the next week I have to get my 7 year post-tenure review file ready. So somewhere in all this I have to right 10-15 pages of stuff about my teaching, research, and service. Ouch! I actually like the idea of the process, but meeting that deadline is going to hurt.
Currently listening to the “title” track from Antibalas’ Who Is This America. Man, that is a great song.
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