WeatherGirl’s Station :: Lord of the Rings Marathon

WeatherGirl mentioned
, we had this massive Lord of the Rings festival yesterday, watching the director’s cuts of all three films in one massive day of craziness. Sub-Evil Boy invited J.A. over and Paula Argie joined us for the entire day as well. Ellery showed up near the end of the second film, and Dori came over for the third. There was ton’s of excellent food, and huge thanks to the WeatherGirl and everyone else who brought stuff for ensuring that we happily consumed far more calories than we burned :-).

I think I found it a bit much all at once. I was putting a lot of attention into working on, though, and while I’m sure that was good in terms of getting these things up and running, I’m not sure whether it made it easier or harder to deal with the overload of LotR.

All that said, though, they are really quite spectacular films and wonderful accomplishements. It seems clear, for example, that the rendition of the Smeagol/Gollum is a pretty landmark event, combining excellent wriring, Andy Serkis’s acting that was both incredibly physical while being sensitive to the complexities of the character, and the excellent CG randering of the on-screen individual.

Actually I might want to re-watch the third film sometime this week while all the back story is fresh in my mind, but I have the energy to actually focus on the last film. Can’t see having the time, but a guy can dream.

Currently listening to Allies – Music For Dance, Vol.2 by my hero Fred Frith.

I need to go have a shower.

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