A cool graph

Ellery and I continue to wrestle our GPTP paper into submission before tomorrow’s deadline. There’s a ton of cool data, but we’re both tired and worried about the deadline and the page limits, and I suspect it’s going to be a long 30 hours before we send this thing off.

In the meantime, however, here’s a cool graph…
Daida graph with size limit 118

This shows the shapes of a population of 1,000 trees at the end of one particular run of our system. The outer circle (sort of) represents the possible space of trees, and as one can see, the system explores a very small subset of that space.

And it makes a really spiffy picture :-). Props to Jason Daida and his colleagues for inventing this nifty visualization technique, and for sharing their Mathematica code so that we can draw these cool graphs, too.

Back to the grindstone.

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Singing in public again: Sad but true

CAC Concerts has been hosting a series of open mic nights this year (a first at UMM in my memory). Lots of students I know (mostly from FYS) have been going, performing, and saying cool things about the event, but for various reasons I’d been unable to attend. I finally went tonight (not that I had time, but that’s another story) and it was really quite a lot of fun. John did his wondrous Tom Waits-Captain Beefheart singing, Grace was again splendid, Eagan was every bit as good live as I’d been led to believe, and Huck sang a crazy fun song about the advantages of an arachnid girlfriend. And that was my undoing.

I hadn’t really intended to perform (although I confess to having thought about it), but once Huck sang about wanting a spider for a girlfriend, I just had to sing the fly song. I was a lot of fun, though, and the audience was very appreciative, which was definitely cool. I’m looking forward to telling SubEvilBoy tomorrow morning what a hit our song was :-). I also sang “Get along little doggies” (had to get an old song in there), and it was politely received, but clearly not as popular as “Hey hey fat fly”.

In further support of the claim that no good deed goes unpunished, I’ve been asked to MC the next event (24 Feb). Not 100% sure I’ll be able to do it, nor do I know how much performing I’ll do while I’m up there, but it was nice to be asked and I’ll certainly try to make it fit in the schedule.

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