My amazing wife and son both continue to produce fine and mighty work, and occasionally the world recognizes it’s splendiferous brilliance :-)
WeatherGrrrl has been heavily submitting her work to shows in the last year or so, and while she’s had good luck at places like WARM, her lot (like that of most artists) has been that of the rejection letter.
One happy bit of news this week, though, was the use of four of her pieces in the catalog for the Colorado Mesa University 4×6/6×4 Poscard Exhibit. It’s not a juried show (we think they accepted everything they were sent), but in the nice catalog book (available on Blurb) they featured the piece above in one of the “larger” images, which was a nice treat. (Her pieces are on pages 15 and 17 of the book in preview mode.)
You might also check out WeatherGrrrl’s post on this for more info.