After this, I may have to go lie down

Listening to a podcast of a concert by Art Brut as part of NPR’s Live Concerts series. I didn’t know anything about these folks, but this is a total blast of loud, punk fun. Silly, strange, and definitely bad for your hearing.

A complete hoot, really :-). I’m definitely in favor!

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Looking for band whose name sounds like “run-velope”

I just caught a very cool song (totally missed the track name – sorry) on Dandelion Radio by a band whose name sounded something like “runvelope”, i.e., “run” with the tail end of “envelope”. Attempts at finding said band via web search have failed, leading to crushing doubts about the omniscience of the intarweb.

Please help restore my shattered confidence by telling me who the hell I was listening to, and where I might peruse more of their music!


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