On Friday 13th July the exhibit Horizontal Grandeur opens at the local history museum hosted by the Stevens County Historical Society. Both Phi and I have had pieces accepted. Top/left: the only trees were wavy lines, top/right: Silo are mine. Bottom/left: Fighting Back (Tilting at Windmills?), bottom/right: Waiting are Phi’s
The title of the show comes from a piece written by Bill Holm that you can find here
I wrote descriptions for each of my pieces plus a short artist statement that I’m including here.
the only trees were wavy lines
All the Dutch elm beetle left us on its trek westwards was this stump. Yet the remains are still beautiful and infinitely fascinating.
Seasons change and sunlight captures different moods in the metal. The plastic refuse caught in the structure flaps in the wind like a celebratory banner.
Artist Statement for Horizontal Grandeur
I took my first photograph when I was 7 or 8 years old. It was of my Gran by the amusements near Ventnor pier on the Isle of Wight, UK. Some how I managed to miss my Gran completely; all you can see are pleasure boats floating in a shallow pool. When I look at the photograph all I remember is my Gran smiling, waiting patiently for me to take her picture.
As I continue to take photographs I’m always looking for a different point of view, an unexpected subject, and a way to remember a moment in time.
Opening reception is 6.30pm – 8.30pm.
Current temperature: 81F/27C