Allez Toledo!

Everyday we’re in Spain my school girl French comes back! Not that it does me any good. English is probably the second most frequently used language here so it buys me nothing that I can count in French. *sigh*

We paid a visit to the Tuesday Flea Market so that Sub Evil Boy could acquire a belt. (His jeans need a little assistance staying above his hips!) It was a lot of fun wandering through all the many stalls. We ended up at the Hospital de Tavera and took a peak inside where we discovered an exhibit called Hidden Treasures. A collection of pieces from the El Greco Museum and The Nobility Archive. For example: paintings, furniture, books, ceramics etc. It was fortuitous for us as the El Greco Museum is currently closed and under renovation. There were several illuminated books that particularly drew my eye.

Toledo has proved a great place for dessert and all sorts of sweet treats. The gentlemen are purchasing breakfast from Santo Tome: Obrador de Mazapan. It’s a good job we’re doing lots of walking to keep up with the consumption of sugar. Santo Tome’s marzipan is my weakness plus I tried a meringue dessert that was absolutely delicious last night and does not appear to have had any ill effects.

Museo de Santa Cruz is located in a beautiful 16th Century building. More El Greco, including San Juan Evangelista y San Juan Bautista. My favourite piece though was La Piedad by Juan de Borgona which had a very modern feel.

More El Greco was seen at Iglesia de Santo Tome where we saw his El Entierro del Senore de Orgaz which is quite stunning and one of my favourite El Greco paintings. The detail is amazing.

Current temperature: Toledo 25C/77F, Mum’s place 16C/61F, our home 63F/17C

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