So it looks like comments have not been working here for a while. (Understatement of the year!!!!!) My techmonkey, aka Phi, assures me it’s all fixed. If you are the wonderful person whose comment/s were so ingloriously squished, my humble apologies.
If anyone runs into commenting problems here please feel free to tweet me @weathergrrrl and I’ll ask my tame* code hacker to check into it.
Also on the horizon is the possibility of my very own art web page, where I can show case all the amazing pieces I’ve been generating recently and talk about some of the numerous ideas I’ve been exploring with tea stains, human hair, ort manipulation and baldheadedness. (Be still my beating heart!!!) Techmonkey is working on it in his spare time, which given the demands on an academic comp sci nerd is not as often as he, or I, would like.
Current temperature: here 19F/-7C, there 3/37
*Top Gear reference if you didn’t spot it.
TechMonkey officially apologies for the problem (and the delay in getting the art pages working). Hopefully soon!