A momentary interruption in the (slow) posting on the road trip (which has been done for nearly two weeks now!) to provide a time sensitive plug for those of you interested in genetic programming, evolutionary computation, and the like.
The Springer journal Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines is celebrating its first 10 years with a special anniversary issue of articles reviewing the state of the field and considering some of its possible futures. For the month of July (which ends in two days!) the entire issue is available for free download.
Included in the issue are:
- Human-competitive results produced by genetic programming
- Theoretical results in genetic programming: the next ten years?
- Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines: ten years of reviews
- Open issues in genetic programming
- Grammar-based genetic programming: a survey
- Developments in Cartesian Genetic Programming: self-modifying CGP
- Bio-inspired artificial intelligence: theory, methods, and technologies
Once the month ends these will all start costing money again with two exceptions: the article on human-competitive results and the survey of 10 years of reviews will remain free in perpetuity.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I’m on the editorial board of the journal and contributed to one of the articles. Still, it’s a cool resource marking an interesting time in the development of the field, so take advantage of it while you can!